Originally posted on February 26, 2019.
Some may argue marrying technology to a funeral service distracts the deep purpose of the service. While some see technology as an opportunity to really remember and celebrate their lost loved one. It seems technology has become the fuel in which our planet rotates, and we foresee technology playing a much larger role in the future. Technology is here to stay and it would behoove us to learn its platform as much as possible in staying current.
Does technology belong in a funeral service? Technology is not as distracting in a service as you may believe. Many families have created documentary shorts highlighting the life of their loved ones so it seems we may be pulling away from the traditional order of events during the funeral ceremony. Let’s really blow your mind! Although this option is not as popular yet, families are shelling thousands of dollars towards electronic water-proof tombstones. We personally cannot imagine walking through a cemetery to visit a loved one and trigger a motion censored electronic tombstone. We may deal with the dead on a daily basis, but some things are beyond our level of comfort. If this is a possibility, just imagine how technology driven services will become ten years from now.
Did anyone order a holograph of their loved one to take the place of their body in the casket? This may be a little far out but wouldn’t surprise us. Whatever you choose, maintain an open mind and consider the changing generations in your family tree. Tradition and modern technology can be married to please everyone.
If ever you are thinking about adding technology to a funeral service, Hayes Brothers Funeral Home is here to answer any questions. No matter how moderate or extreme your plans might be; our firm is willing to guide you in the right direction.
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