Originally Posted February 19, 2019.
A funeral home can have the newest cars, the best embalmers or even the trendiest keepsakes; However, nothing can outweigh the importance of a great funeral attendant. There are a few things that makes a funeral attendant great. At Hayes Brothers Funeral Homes it has been proven that during a family’s time of grief what is needed are friendly, attentive and professional attendants.
A great funeral attendant then must first be friendly. Psychology Today states “Grieving can be a terribly lonely, isolating, confusing, foggy journey, one that can be made infinitely less awful by thoughtful friends.” (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/because-im-the-mom/201305/grief-etiquette-dont-say-anyone-grieving).
Hayes knows great funeral attendants are not only friendly. Each attendant must be both attentive and professional as well. There is already so much on the minds of the grieving that having an attentive person at one’s side makes a strong and lasting impact. Great funeral attendants smile and intentionally appear approachable. In doing so, they provide a welcoming demeanor and a secure emotional state. Great attendants are not just in the room but they are present in the moment. They offer tissues to a crying family without being asked. They limit their personal conversations about matters that are unrelated to the family in their care. They are dressed appropriately as not to distract from their responsibility to serve. They are well trained to know what’s needed beforehand and observe what may become needed in the moment. This knowledge and ability to observe is helpful in minimizing “coaching” during the service. When attendant displays the prior mentioned traits it gives an assurance that the decedent has received and will receive the same thoughtful, friendly professional care that family has received. That is the greatest compliment to great funeral attendant.
Being friendly, attentive and professional is a must. When a funeral attendant encompasses all three traits a funeral home will have the recipe for great reviews and steady referrals.
Each funeral home should consider requiring mandatory training for all potential attendants. A friendly, attentive and professional attendant is a key to success!
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